I Warned You About Bill Cosby
In 2007—seven years before she publicly came forward—I spoke with Joan Tarshis, a former Hollywood publicist who claimed that Bill Cosby...

Do You Want To Buy A Bridge?
Author's Note: Exposing the criminal mind-control cult of Scientology for Spy magazine in '96... “If you really want to enslave people,...

From The Hollywood Fixer Files: Hollywood PIs Set Up the OJ Simpson Porn Shoot; Wiretap the Hollywoo
“Don’t ever sleep with your stalker,” was the sage advice tendered to me in 2000 by Hollywood P.I., Fred “Mad Dog” Valis. Too bad those...

How a smooth-talking, social-climbing con man with a penchant for home movies and blackmail turned the tables on Hollywood’s T & A titan....

Was Patrick Dollard Raped?
WAS PATRICK DOLLARD RAPED? Publicity still for Patrick Dollard’s upcoming film, “Young Americans” In Sharon Waxman’s May 6, 2006 New York...

Snake Pit on Sunset! Johnny Depp's Viper Room, An Oral History.
Jakob Dylan played here, Adam Duritz tended bar here, and River Phoenix died here. For half a decade, the Viper Room has been ground zero...

Wild Man Blues: Hasil Adkins drinks too much, screws too much & rocks too much.
Charleston, West Virginia's Yeager Airport sits atop a mountain, which is typical in a state that enforces few, if any, building codes....